:: Call for papers (Download: Call for paper (PDF) | Paper Template (DOC) )
Scope of the Conference
Contributed papers are solicited describing original work in electronics, communication engineering and related technologies. Topics and technical areas of interest appropriate for the conference include but are not limited to the followings:
Selected Areas and Topics

I. Biomedical Electronics

  1. Medical Instrumentations
  2. Medical Image Processing
  3. Medical Information Systems
  4. Diagnostic Imaging

II. Microwave Engineering

  1. Antennas - Design, Modeling and Measurement
  2. Microwave Circuits - Systems and Applications
  3. Computational Electromagnetics
  4. Radio Propagations
  5. Integrated Optics

III. Communications Networks and Systems

  1. QoS Architectures and Mechanisms
  2. Wireless and Mobile Networks and Systems
  3. Telecommunication Services and Applications
  4. Optical Networks
  5. Peer-to-Peer and Overlay Networks

IV. Application Electronics

  1. Embedded System Design
  2. Reconfigurable Computing
  3. Analog Circuit Design
  4. Electronic Educations
  5. Industrial Electronics and Automations

V. Coding and Signal Processing

  1. Coding
  2. Digital Filters
  3. Applications of DSP
  4. Audio and Video Processing
  5. Image Processing and Coding

VI. Software Technology

  1. Software Technology in Electronics
  2. Software Technology in Comm. Engineering
  3. Information Management Systems
  4. Industrial Automation and Control
Submission Instructions

All authors should prepare full versions of papers in Microsoft Word (DOC) or Portable Document Format (PDF). Papers must be limited to six pages including text, references, tables and figures, and should be submitted online (here). For final publication on IEEEXplorer, all papers should follow IEEE standard template, which is available (here)

Official Language
English will be the official language during the conference
Student Competition
There are two Student Prizes that will be awarded to outstanding student papers presented at ICCE'06.
For encouraging purpose, admission to all sessions of the conference, also workshops and tutorials is free-of-charge. A copy of the Conference Proceedings is free-of-charge for all authors, but is priced 20 USD for the others.
Visa Information
A valid passport is required for entry to Vietnam. Please contact the Vietnamese Embassy nearest you for specific details and visa requirements.
Conference Venue
The conference will be held at Hanoi University of Technology, right in the heart of the financial, residential and business areas of Hanoi. 30 Km from the airport and 10 minutes by taxi to the city centre, also old town. October is a romantic month of the Fall. The temperature ranges between 30 oC and 20 oC.
Social Program
The ICCE'06 will provide original and traditional events: Banquet (10 USD/person) at the conference site with a lavish spread of foods and beverages. All attendees are welcomed to the banquet so that they can enjoy opportunities for a friendly communication atmosphere with each other. The banquet is planned with honored-guest speech and Student Prize awarding, those are followed by a selected entertainment (Vietnamese traditional music). Several interesting tours will be provided by Hanoi Toserco.

:: Important Dates
Extended Submission Deadline :
Acceptant Notification :
Advance Program Delivery :
Sep. 10, 2006
Registration Deadline :
Sep. 25, 2006
Conference Time :
Oct. 10–11, 2006
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